About Us

Our Company
Paracel Technology Solutions .ltd company was established in June 2018. With aspiration, passion, and dedicated efforts, we aim to become a reputable brand with intelligent solutions and excellent services that deliver efficiency and customer satisfaction.
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What we do
We are a team with many years of experience in software development, mobile applications, and game development, including both product development and outsourcing.
The products Pworkspace, Pchat, Bottest, and 123Dzo developed by Paracel have been applied in practice and proven effective for businesses. Therefore, we are proud to use our experience to support other businesses in creating practical software solutions with millions of users.
Our Mission
We provide intelligent, efficient, and reliable automated testing solutions for software development businesses. We utilize artificial intelligence to enhance the quality, speed, and scalability of the testing process. We are committed to delivering the highest value to our customers and the technology community.
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The story and values behind our company
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Our Origin
Our journey commenced with or group who believed in a concept, dream, and a passion for driving change. It all ignited from a spark of inspiration and an unwavering pursuit of a singular mission.
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Core Values
Innovation and renewal are at the core of everything we do. We continually explore ways to enhance people’s lives through technology and create new, unique products and services.
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Global Engagement
With an extensive network, we communicate and collaborate with customers worldwide. We take pride in the cultural and individual diversity within our organization.
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Impact and Vision
Our vision is to create a future where everyone can harness the power of technology to make the world a better place. We hope that what we do today will pave the way to a brighter and more progressive future.
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